Saturday, February 23, 2008

all because of DA BOMB

Your power of faith can help you to achieve what you want in life.The purpose of life is to help you build character and wisdom through experience. There will always be adversity to overcome, obstacles to clear and problems to solve. A person's success depends greatly on his/her faith. If you think you can succeed, yes you can, if you think you cannot succeed, yes you CAN'T.
That's how powerful your faith will work for you. The extent of an achievement that a person can bring to his/her life is the measure of the faith within that person. When there is no faith, then the person life will be feeble and lacking in achievement. When there is faith, then great achievement will follow that person.
The power of faith is illimitable and inexhaustible. All that is required is an unquenchable belief and trust in it. The weakest and most timid person can make use of this power. There is the same power in the timid and weak as in the brave and strong. The weakness of the former is due to a lack of faith and belief in the infinite power within them.

Our happiness and true success depend upon how the troubles and difficulties of life are met. Adversity comes to all, but if it is met in the right manner, even failure can be made the stepping stone to success. Trouble comes to all but while it makes some people stronger and better in every way, it can submerges others so that they never rise again.

So how come my dad did not tio the 10million toto jackpot when he has been such a loyal supporter of toto with infinite amounts of faith in it? i also have faith in him that he will tio, but why it never happen huh? sadness man. pure, utter, super undeniable sadness. maybe its retribution for saying DA BOMB....she still is what. last night even more super DA FUCK'IN BOMBS!

no more GT-R. no more king of the road :(

no more Swift Sport to cheong with :(

Friday, February 22, 2008



Her head was beginning to spin. The small dark, fine printed words on the thin pale page belonging to the thick maroon book of How to be DA BOMB were starting to blur, clustering into a jumbled group of unreadable letters. She sighed, rubbing her throbbing temples before flipping to another page. Outside, the sun struck post noon, its bright light seeping through the half-open window blinds, illuminating the scarlet wooden dressers, bookshelves, and her striped emerald bed in the tidy white room. Allegedly it was supposed to be one of the hottest days of the year, however, she couldn’t tell; the air conditioner was running. Turning to the window, she lifted the window blinds, pressing her face to the surprisingly warm flexible glass. She frowned, disgruntled.
then, Da Bomb went back to sleep. Jump to the next paragraph. i'm sick of writing intros, now lets get into the fat of the story.

fat jokes aside now. just saw a movie, a really good movie with no fat people in it. no da bombs. i like the story and the way it was shot. the longer it went on, the more i felt something towards it. maybe because there were no da bombs in it or maybe the girl resembled another girl in my class, i just cant put a finger on it. i really got into the story. cos it resembled an earlier part of my life. i was thinking in my head if this were me, i'd be over the moon if my fate ever ended up like the one in the movie.
then i thought. is this person really worth my effort? not talking about helping da bomb lose some kilos or what,


okok, really at the end, i came to a conclusion that this whole time i spent waiting was worth nothing. take skimpy photos of yourself more and whore yourself out to overweight da bombs everywhere. take your face and mop the floor up with it. brrrr....the world is getting colder. i feel cold. the fat jokes in my head are beginning to freeze and fall off. humans are weak. bruce is tough. da bomb is the ultimate hottest sensation in school. and the bear in my car is stupid. i dont like these moments, but if you ever come across this and see what i have written and you say abnormal things that drunk women would say, then i still wont feel a thing.

cue emo music. let me go sit in a corner. dim the lights. the river of tears flow freely from my heart and out from my eyes. i lay in a fetal position. the world outside is cold and cruel. emo moment over. the sun rises and the birds chirp freely. it's a bright new day.

i also wish my good friend, my fair friend, my pretty friend, my hot friend, my fat friend ty happy birthday.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Most Stupid

A single word or tone or facial expression can send a man into a hole so deep you’d have better luck finding leopards in leotards. A man’s ego is vulnerable, especially (but not exclusively) to a woman he finds value in, such that he could be crushed, even by accident. Crushed meaning he gets into a rut wherein he never accesses his emotions.

The very same ego that could be crushed by the tone of a woman’s voice, can also drive the man perform some of the most heroic, selfless, and bordering on miraculous acts ever imagined. It is this same ego that when faced with peril, impossibility, or certain doom, says, “WHAT THE FISH…” and runs into the water, braving the man eating fishes that lurk there.

The complexity comes when trying to understand how to deal with this incredibly powerful and sensitive force called the male ego. This has mystified women for centuries, and I suggest will continue to for centuries to come. i'm still confused myself. It’s not as mystifying to the men themselves. It’s not that they have themselves figured out, but it is harder to know that there is mystery when you are the mystery.

Like today. i forgot something so basic like filming the colour charts before going for the actual take. It felt very stupid, knowing that this IS the foundation for every take... I felt stupid. So stupid that i took my anger out on some woman driver who wanted to cut into my lane. The strange thing is, i was feeling down and dumb at first...then when the woman flashed her headlights at me, i experienced a roid raging moment. i don't know how or why, it just happened. next thing i knew, i felt like a hero, riding on a wave of swear words not even known by the people who publish the Oxford Dictionary every year.

exactly what i was saying above....the male ego is a strange mystery. i'm always telling myself to grow up and all. seems that all i do now is roid rage whenever i'm alone in the car. males are stupid childish assholes, always thinking of winning.

For the others out there, I wish I could give you the key to the male ego. I can’t. But here are some guidelines.

1. Your efforts to control it or manipulate it depends on yourself. Be rash and you will fail. one day i will piss someone off and i will get hacked or beaten or roid raged to death by some random roider.

2. Affirmimg without partonizing is a tightrope act that is worth the effort to perfect. The male ego is fuled on affirmation. However, it must the right kind of affirmation. wah, so deep. i amaze myself sometimes....come on, i DO have my moments :)
See? male ego talking again. i never learn, do i?

3. If you think the male ego is all about sex, you’re wrong. Sometimes sex is all a man has to fall back on because he has no other outlet for his expression of power - besides anger. When you find a man finding meaning in his work, a passion for his art, a vision for his children, or something that engages his ability to matter, then is he going to want to have lots of sex? Of course he will still want that. However, since he has many outlets, there is a different meaning to the desire. He does not have to rely upon sex and sex alone for satisfaction in his life. Sex then can carry a healthy level of life satisfaction and love expression. if there's no sex, just turn on the computer and surf the net for porn. simple. fast. effective. safe. happy time.

Well, that’s enough for today. Tomorrow we’re going to talk about sexy women. Seriously.
wait. i already mentioned the allure of the fair woman.
let's talk about the allure of the chubby Ah Pui.