1. All violent criminals are the scum of the earth.
2. Deep down, we're all conservatives.
3. Think you’re pure? Hell no, we’re all hypocrites.
3. Charles Bronson is the man!
Disclaimer: This is not sarcasm. It's just the way things are. Read on. It’s the holidays. I got a lot of time sitting around and thinking. And watching movies. Watch Death Wish (1974). You'll know what i mean.
Once again it's the celebration of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yes, it’s Jesus I’m talking about, the actual longhaired hippie dude from 2000 years ago. For you, He was probably a beacon of light, a symbol of hope and goodness or maybe an icon for the only way to live your life. For me, I’m just writing what I feel. No offence to Him up there.
When I think back, I remember the guy as the one that scared the shit out of me at my Granduncle’s house when I was a kid because there were pictures and carvings of the guy in his room. No joke, no bullshit. I had a small heart back then. It’s growing bigger now though. What's worse, in every picture he was shown either walking through the streets, bleeding to death or dragging a super huge cross on his shoulder while people flayed the skin off his bones. He was nailed to that chunk of wood with some guy jabbing a spear into his guts too. And if it wasn't the pictures on the wall that had me cowering up my own asshole wanting to go home, it was when I had to go into his room to use the toilet. Cos it was cleaner than the one in the kitchen at that time.
Now, I don't really have much of a beef against any of His true blue believers. It’s just unfair sometimes, when the people who sin get away unpunished.
But I do have a beef with the naming convention used for this holiday.
The Friday before Easter is the celebration of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by the Jews, which I think is common knowledge that is blindly accepted by anyone in the Christian world simply because most people don't actually practice their religion and it means a free day off work. Not many people really sit down and think about the history behind the day, and if they did, I am sure it would raise a few eyebrows. Oh so true. So true, you hypocrites out there.
What is Good Friday?
I remember asking one random friend, who was a ‘Christian’, who replied, "Good Friday is a Christian holiday!"
Another line I heard from, this applies to us all, was quoted as saying, "Good Friday has nothing to do with the Church, and it is simply a day off for families to get ready for the Christian celebration of Easter."
Damn sure you were right, friends! It’s time to visit church and feast on the muffs and pies of the nubile virgins. Yah, we all know that church is a breeding ground for potential serial rapists and sadists. So many mass cult killings in the past too, all these related to religion. I suppose some people really DO believe, but times change. Hormones change and guess what? People change.
So much for getting any information from the ‘church goers’.
Of course, there's always the Internet, books and I always have my personal opinion. Crucifixion is simply defined as "An extremely difficult, painful trial; torturous suffering" by some site I found on the Internet. Now, I don't know about you, but the description of this practice sends more than a few shivers down my spine, into each leg and eventually buzzes around in my toes for a few minutes before dissipating into pleasant little sparks that exit from beneath my toenails. How the Hell could they even call it a celebration, for that matter?! Good means happy, and does anyone honestly think that He was saying things like the words I wrote below before getting crucified...
"WOOHOO! This is great, I'm going to be beaten with metal floggers until my flesh is peeling off my bones, then be forced to drag a half-tonne cross through the boiling hot streets. After that, when I am too exhausted to even talk, I'll experience the joy of having big metal spikes driven through my hands and feet, pinning me to this cross I've been dragging.
FUCKING COOL! Finally I'll be raised up and exhibited – my manhood covered by a thin piece of loincloth and have a spear driven into my side. WOOHOO… this is SWEET! Give me some more!"
I doubt it, unless He was into some kinky, sadist fetishes. So why do we celebrate his suffering? Why do we call it 'Good' Friday? Of course, the church doctrines on this give us all sorts of backwards answers, double-talk and excuses such as it stemming from the moniker "God's Friday". I don’t know. Some of what I have written is untrue and part of my exaggeration, but come on, you get the point.
Why do those people go to church so dutifully every Sunday and once they come out, its like unleashing a serial rapist/child molester/pedophile into the classrooms of kindergarten kids and then locking the doors.
No matter what sort of philosophical talk you give it, Good Friday is still about a guy being beaten to an inch of his life, forced to drag the instrument of his death through the streets in humiliation while being beaten up some more and then savagely nailed to the cross through His arms and feet until He is unconscious, then stabbed in the side to be finished off. If you watched The Passion of the Christ, you'd know what I'm talking about. You can coat it with all the honey and milk chocolate you want, it's still a shitty way to go.
I think Good Friday needs to have an overhaul.
I am sick and tired of shit in this society being sugar coated and written in code so it covers the horrible truths underneath. I think cigarettes should be named after the diseases they cause, I think airlines should be forced to show all the hidden service and extra fees and have them included in the advertised ticket prices and I think women with fake tits should be forced to wear readable labels on their shirts that say '90% silicon, 10% real tissue'. And I think Good Friday should be renamed something more appropriate to portray its historical meaning.
Something like, "What a fucking horrible and painful way to die" Day.
Of course, these are not final decisions and I would invite anyone to chair a meeting and run through a few other ideas, but it's a start. The point is, Christianity has always covered up the truth with cutesy names, elaborate ceremonies and catchy advertisments to keep the seats filled and the donations rolling in and it's time to stop shrouding the truth and embrace the horrible shit that their faith is built upon. Describe in vivid details the murder of all the first-born sons and describe how God is a vengeful bastard when it comes to fucking with his divine plan. KILL THE FUCKING JAYWALKERS WHO INTENTIONALLY STEP IN FRONT OF A CAR WHEN IT’S ABOUT TO MOVE OFF, YOUNG OR OLD, FUCKING KILL THEM!
Stop covering up all the tragedies and criminal acts in the Bible with confusing linguistics and broken speech. If you're going to revise the stories, do it properly and put it into true and honest speech so that everyone can understand just how "good" Good Friday is and just how "good" the Good Book is. Yah I know there are standards of English to be maintained, but come on, isn’t religion supposed to be understood by everyone, even a commoner like me? What if I can’t read? Then how am I supposed to help these ‘pure people’ spread the good faith? Am I fucked for being unable to read and understand?
If you are anything like I am, and on a less violent, abrasive and outspoken level you probably are, you more than likely get fed up with the constant barrage of useless rants by me. But the truth is, there are hypocrites and sinners out there waiting to die. These shit stains are smeared in our faces everywhere we look, like shit forced into a dog’s face by its owner when it drops a load on that wonderful floor that you’ve just mopped clean, but we say and do nothing because we simply can’t. There are laws. We can’t bend laws, can we? We just have to sit and wait for those pig fuckers to go home and rape their own mothers. These people have caused more than a simple gag reflex in us, a full on projectile vomit fest that took weeks to mop up. You may agree with what I write and you may not, but remember this always - If you do not agree with the views expressed by me on this site, let me remind you that you can simply ‘Fuck Off’.
Happy GOOD FRIDAY in advance to everyone, and I hope you had a wonderful "Holy living mother of God this is a really shitty way to die" Day.
1 comment:
Must you have that picture as ur blog pic? I tot i went to some porn website...
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